
1. Infrastructure Security

Mix Vault is built on enterprise-grade cloud infrastructure with multiple layers of security. We utilize Supabase Cloud for data storage and authentication, ensuring industry-standard security practices and regular security audits.

2. Data Encryption

All audio files and sensitive data are encrypted both in transit (using TLS 1.3) and at rest using AES-256 encryption. Your audio files are stored in secure cloud storage with strict access controls and encryption keys managed through a secure key management system.

3. Access Control

We implement role-based access control (RBAC) to ensure users can only access the resources they're authorized to view. Project owners have granular control over who can access, edit, or comment on their audio files. All access attempts are logged and monitored for suspicious activity.

4. Authentication

Our authentication system uses secure password hashing, enforces strong password policies, and supports two-factor authentication (2FA). Session management includes automatic timeouts and the ability to view and revoke active sessions from any device.

5. Monitoring and Incident Response

We maintain 24/7 monitoring of our systems for potential security threats. Our incident response team is ready to investigate and address any security concerns. We regularly conduct security assessments and penetration testing to identify and address potential vulnerabilities.

6. Compliance and Certifications

Our security practices align with industry standards and best practices. We maintain compliance with relevant data protection regulations and regularly update our security measures to address emerging threats. For specific compliance requirements, please contact our security team.

7. Reporting Security Issues

If you discover a potential security vulnerability, please report it immediately to We have a responsible disclosure program and work diligently to address security concerns. Do not disclose potential vulnerabilities in public forums.

Mix Vault

Streamlining audio collaboration for artists and engineers.